Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New additions

We've had a really hard time finding diapers that fit Reilly well. The "one-size" BumGenius pockets really only go to about 30 lbs. He's about that, and they DO fit, but they're not very comfortable for him. And we loved our BumGenius Egyptian Cotton fitteds for a while, but they kind of seemed to shrink, and weren't that comfy for him either. And they took too long to dry. So I sold them and bought two of the new Babykicks One-Size Hemp fitteds (slightly used). They're supposed to go up to 35 or 40 lbs, and they fit him really well. I also found I liked the snaps a lot more than I thought I would. They are fitteds, so they technically need a cover, but they also have a pocket. If I put a hemp insert into the pocket, they're great for letting him run around for a while coverless (so his little bum can breathe) without worrying about him soaking through.

The other new diapers we got are Green Acre Designs (GADs) side-snapping pockets. The size large looks tiny, but fits Reilly so well. It's great; they seem more comfortable for him. I like how the side-snaps (vs. front aplix/velcro) don't put pressure on his tummy. And they come in all kinds of cute colors. I already ordered one more for him and two for Jaina. They come in 5 different sizes, so make sure you measure your little one and compare. There are two links on the side now to stores that sell GADs (usually 15.95, with another $3-ish for an insert. Any insert will work, pretty much.). I highly recommend trying them!

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