Thursday, June 5, 2014

Almost 6 months!

Shawn is almost 6 months old, and is super chunky! I have used cloth on him more than on any other baby (partially because I have a lot of it, and disposables are expensive!). He is in cloth 99% of the time during the day, and sometimes at night. I still use disposables a lot at night, especially since he sleeps with me a lot, on his side, and I don't want to get wet...
I've tried a few different things with him, but mostly still prefer to use BumGenius pockets (4.0's in snaps and some aplix 3.0's) and Flips (snaps). I put Flip stay-dry and organic nighttime inserts in the Flips, as well as prefolds. Here is my current stash:

All of the ones on the right are BG and Flips. On the left there are two Alvas (stars and giraffe), some random China diapers that I love but don't trust completely to keep him dry (Batman and Supes), an Econobum, a Happy Heiny, etc. I have two fitteds and a couple Thirsties wraps not show in the pic.

And here are a few of my favorite "cloth" pictures from the last few months. You can see how different Shawn grew when we finally stopped fighting and gave him a good amount of formula...

Twilight Katydid pocket

Thirsties Duo cover (aqua, sz 1) over a newborn GMD prefold

Rumparooz OS pocket

Thirsties Duo sz 1 cover

snappi'd prefold (I almost never use snappis, I just trifold)

BG 4.0 in Albert (my favorite)

white Flip

BG 4.0 in Irwin

BG Freetime in Mirror

oh-so-cute China cheapie

Blueberry deluxe pocket in Dino Party. Didn't like the fit of this and resold it.

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